Ultrasonic Therapy
Ultrasonic therapy is the practice of using Ultrasound (US) energy to treat pain, injuries, and other conditions. It is a therapeutic procedure popularly used at chiropractic clinics and is unfortunately often be confused with diagnostic ultrasound, which is different and refers to a non-therapeutic imaging form of US.
In Ultrasonic therapy, the chiropractor utilizes acoustic waves to treat injured muscles, joints, and soft tissues. The ultrasonic waves work to deeply penetrate the skin, reaching those underlying areas that need relief. Creating a micro-vibrational effect, ultrasound therapy generates warmth within the inflamed tissues to promote faster healing. The waves attract specialized white blood cells, called mast cells, to the injury site to promote the growth of new blood vessels, manage the functioning of other cells, and release chemicals that help alleviate illness or injuries.
The procedure helps with the stimulation of collagen that’s found in soft tissues to support tissue health and decrease scar tissue buildup. Furthermore, therapeutic ultrasonic therapy can work with cold laser light therapy to provide even better results, aid tissue regeneration, decrease inflammation, relieve pain, and boost your body’s immune system.
It can help manage a wide variety of symptoms, some of which include the following:
- Bursitis
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Chronic back and neck pan
- Muscle or ligament strains and sprains
- Myofascial pain
- Osteoarthritis or arthritis
- Scar tissue pain
- Sports injuries
The procedure doesn’t require imaging or anesthesia, and based on the severity of your symptoms, you may need up to two to three sessions, weekly. Ideally, you should start feeling the results in about a month. In that time, the swelling begins to subside, the blood flow improves, and the scar tissues shrink. Ultrasound therapy can be a fantastic option if you seek an effective treatment that does not require heavy medications or a surgical intervention. The treatment is safe, comfortable, non-invasive, drug-free, pain-free, and soothing. Dr. Patel and his experienced team will always work with you to develop a plan before proceeding with the procedure. So you can be sure that everything will work out just fine.
If Ultrasound/ultrasonic therapy interests you, schedule a consultation at Advanced Health Solutions to reserve your therapeutic services and get back to a pain-free life.