04 Apr What Is A Herniated Disc In The Back, And How Do I Treat It?
A herniated disc (sometimes referred to as a ruptured disc or slipped disc) is a problem in the shock-absorbing discs between each vertebra (the bone that makes the spine). These discs feature a gelatinous inner layer and a solid outer layer. The gelatinous inner layer of the disc, known as the nucleus, doesn’t have a direct blood supply. Therefore, it needs alternating compressing and decompressing forces to receive vital nutrients from our body.
If you rupture the outer layer, and the inner layer starts to spill out, it is said to be herniated. A herniated disc may result in a lot of pain or dysfunction depending on various factors, like where it occurs and where the inner gelatinous material spills into. However, the good news is that most herniated discs don’t need surgery.
Lumbar Herniated Disc: When you suffer a herniated disc anywhere in the lower back region (lumbar spine), it is called a lumbar herniated disc
Cervical Herniated Disc: When you suffer a herniated disc around the neck region (cervical spine), it’s called a cervical herniated disc.
Causes of Pain from Herniated Discs
Our spinal nerves exit the spinal cord and extend into the surrounding region. When our herniated disc material reaches or compresses the spinal nerves, it may result in dysfunction or back pain. In the case of a lumbar herniated disc, depending on which nerve it affects, the patient may feel pain along the nerve path in the leg, foot, or buttock region. The patient may feel pain in the arm, hand, or shoulder region for a cervical herniated disc.
How to Treat a Herniated Disc?
With a professional exercise program and healthy spine habits, it is possible to efficiently resolve herniated discs in six to twelve months. However, with severe pain, any loss of sensation, or loss of function, injections or even surgery may be required. Post-injections or post-surgery, it is imperative to change your habits and help build the muscle that supports your discs. It will help ensure that a re-injury or any new disc herniation at another region doesn’t occur.
Contact Advanced Health Solutions for Quick Relief!
At Advanced Health Solutions, Dr. Patel can help you detect and deal with a herniated disc in no time. Thanks to years of training and experience, he knows what you need to expect quick and long-lasting results. Call us at 847-466-5009 or go online at ahsclinic.org to schedule your consultation right away!
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